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Park Place of St. John

“It’s the people, that’s the number one thing here.” - A Park Place of St. John Testimonial

Gerda Fromm, Park Place of St. John retirement living resident

Gerda Fromm has seen a lot in her life. Born in Germany, and a dancer in the Berlin Olympics in the ‘30s, she moved to the United States when she was in her 20s and continued teaching elementary school. After her husband died, she went back to work as a substitute to fill her days. But as she got into her 90s, she was seeing less and less friends and feeler more and more unsafe living alone. Her family agreed that it was time for her to move somewhere she could have safety, security, and companionship.

Her loving sons helped her find Park Place of St. John while it was still under construction. One visit with the kind staff convinced her it was where she wanted to live, and in March of 2017, she moved into a two-bedroom apartment here. She appreciated how much attention the staff gave her before she moved in, helping her downsize and find places to donate a house full of belongings. And after she moved in, she received the same attention—help when she needs it, friendly smiles and conversations, and a worry-free lifestyle.

“It’s the people,” Gerda says. “That’s the number one thing here. The people who care for you and help you—they really convinced me to come here."

"At my age, most people need a little here and there, and you don’t want to be a bother. And the people here take care of you, and they are so friendly when they do it.”

Gerda is surrounded by friends, and is certainly a joy to everyone around her. She calls the security guard every morning at 6:00 and the receptionist at 8:00 to say good morning. She calls her neighbors every evening at 7:45 to say good night.

“There are so many things I love about this place, but I keep coming back to the people,” Gerda says. “The people who live here are like my family. The people who work here are like my family. They make me feel good, and at my age you need to feel good.”

Gerda herself certainly makes all of Park Place feel good, too, and her friendly smile and great spirit are part of what makes the community so special.

Come for a visit and experience the friendly community at Park Place of St. John for yourself.

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