Resources for Sheltering in Place: Battling Boredom

As our country begins to move forward and open up cautiously, older adults and those with underlying health conditions are still encouraged to shelter in place. That can feel limiting and tiresome, but necessary for your safety. So how can you combat the boredom that can feel so overwhelming?
Whoever said "only boring people are bored" probably never lived through a global pandemic. Do you miss your visits to museums? Going out to eat? Working out at the gym? Variety is the spice of life, and staring at the same four walls doesn't allow for much variety. If you've already reorganized your furniture or alphabetized your canned goods, never fear! There's really more out there for you to do.
Free Streaming Services: We are blessed to be going through a stay-at-home mandate during an age of advanced technology, and we don't need a movie rental store to see the latest entertainment. While many movie-streaming services are usually available for a low monthly fee, many streaming platforms are offering their services free for a limited time. Take advantage of these trials, and watch that movie everybody's talking about.
Free Tours: If you've ever wanted to visit the Louvre, there's never been a better time. They are one of hundreds of museums offering free tours and views of some of the most famous exhibits in history. Many zoos and National Parks are also offering free tours, allowing you to see places you'd never find time or have the resources to see in person. Watch a free Shakespeare performance at the Globe Theater in London, or take a free online class. Your computer is your ticket to some of the greatest attractions in the world.
Try a New Hobby. When you were writing your New Year's Resolutions, you said, "2022 is going to be my year." Well, it still can be! Now you have plenty of time to pick up a new hobby. You can try plenty of hobbies from home, and you'll find tutorials on YouTube or other platforms that can guide you. Once this is all over, you'll have a new passion in life, and you may want to pursue classes from a professional to get better.
We all want life to get back to normal. But until then, use this time as a gift to try something you’ve been waiting to do, all from the comfort and safety of home.