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Victorian Village

“My dad always said, ‘It’s like living on a cruise ship”

Ray and Jean Dering always enjoyed active lives in their retirement, filled with volunteering, church, and time with the people they loved. Twenty years ago, they decided they wanted even more freedom to use their time as they pleased, so they packed their things and downsized from their condo to an apartment at Victorian Village.…


Royal Atrium Inn

“The people here care, and you can tell.” - A Royal Atrium Inn Testimonial

A positive attitude makes a big difference, and Marge Kloosterman has always found a way to look on the bright side. This outlook has served her well as she brought up her children, and later, after losing her husband, she says she turned to God to get her through. “I rely on Him at all times,” she says. “I’m so thankful for Him in my life.”…


Victorian Village

“It’s like living in the lap of luxury.”

Irene Johnson has always enjoyed a lifestyle centered on family and her local church.…

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Signs it May be Time to Make the Move to Assisted Living

When checking in on your parents or loved ones, you may be observing some changes in their health and well-being. Here are some signs to be aware of that your loved one may need some additional assistance. …