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Providence Life Services

Preventing Falls: A Home Safety Checklist

Caregivers, you may be able to prevent a serious “health incident” for your elderly relatives by simply printing this checklist and using it to evaluate your own home as well as theirs. (After all, home safety is important for all ages!)…


Providence Life Services

Rest and Respite: Options for You and Your Family

If you are among the millions of Americans who care for children at home as well as parents who need assistance, you know how difficult it can be to plan a family vacation. Holidays or the end of the school year can mean a change in schedules, and such changes can be difficult to juggle. …

pills spilled out on the table

Providence Life Services

Avoiding Prescription Problems

Juggling many medications requires extra attention. Seniors who are also caring for their parents and all their prescriptions may find these tips helpful.…

an elderly woman smiling

Providence Life Services

The Beauty of Aging: More than Skin Deep

The following four tips will not promise to make you look younger. Instead, they will help you maintain the health of your skin, which can be an indication of good health in general, and they will encourage you to celebrate the beauty of aging!…