“You really know they genuinely care.” - A Providence at Home Testimonial
The Deutsches chose Providence at Home when they learned that Lee would need home healthcare after his most recent hospital stay. “We didn’t know these people, and we didn’t know what to expect,” Mary Ann says.
But they weren’t concerned for long. Lee and Mary Ann praise the professionalism and skill of Providence at Home staff, from the therapists to the home nurse to the CNAs. They noticed improvement right away, and they credit Providence at Home staff.
“The advantage to home health and having therapy take place in your home is that you’re practicing in real situations,” Lee says. “You know what you’ll have to do on your own. You’re actually doing those things.”
And the service they receive is not only physical, but so much more. “You really know they genuinely care,” Mary Ann says. “Sure, it’s not an easy thing for the families, but it can’t be an easy thing for the CNAs, either. But they never act like it’s a bother or inconvenient.”
“I don’t like to ask for help,” Lee says. “But they do it like it’s just second nature, like it’s the easiest thing in the world. You don’t know how much that means for us.”
“They’re responsive and flexible to your needs,” Mary Ann says. “We recommend them as highly as possible.”
Lee is also grateful for the comfort provided by Providence at Home. “Parkinson’s makes you rigid,” he explains, “but they are so professional and so skilled, it’s actually made me physically relax. I don’t feel that way too often.”
And they can’t say enough how much they personally enjoy the Providence at Home staff. “They’re not strangers for long,” Mary Ann says. “We think of them as family now.”